Let the Mountains Shout for Joy

Let the Mountains Shout for Joy music image

Let the Mountains Shout for Joy
(SSATB Chorus with Trumpet)


"Let the Mountains Shout for Joy" is a choral celebration representing the joy at the Second Coming of Christ. It is based upon D&C 128:23.

Text: Toni Thomas   Music: Diane Tuiofu

Let the mountains for joy!

All ye seas and dry lands tell

The wonders of your king!


All ye rivers, brooks and rills

Flow down with gladness.

All the woods, trees and fields

Praise the Lord, praise the Lord.

Declare His holy name forever.

Praise His name, praise His name,

Praise His Holy name forever and ever,

And ever.

Christ is the Light and Life of the world.

He is the Light and Life of the world.

He is the Light and Life of the world.

He is the Light and Life of the world.


All creation praise His name!

Praise His name, praise His name, praise His name,

Praise His name, praise His name, praise His name,

All creations praise His name forever!


Sun and moon and morning stars let sing together.

And let all the sons of God Shout for joy,
