"They Are Wise Men" tells the story of the Wise Men who followed the star to find the King of the Jews. If we are wise, then we will follow their example of focusing on the heavenly light rather than the cares of the world.
>Who are these men
That make their weary way
Through winding streets
In the fading light of day?
What draws them here,
Across a sea of sand,
To Bethlehem
Bearing gifts from ancient lands?
They are the dreamers.
Their eyes are full of stars,
They left their world behind
Now to seek, now to find
They are wise men.
Two soldiers pass;
They guard the peace of Rome.
A beggar cries as a merchant hurries home.
The stars appear unheeded in the sky;
A world of cares—only wisemen lift their eyes.
To see Christ's face,
To know as I am known,
To touch his hands, baby hands,
That one day would atone—
What would I give?
O'er deserts I would fly.
They gave their gift, yet in their midst
How many passed their Savior by?
Those who seek him,
They shall find him,
They are wise men.