New Music
“I Sing of Christ!” is a new song of praise and worship for Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Written for women's voices, the song offers consolation and encouragement as it affirms the comforting power of the atonement, and the "wings of grace that shelter me," and "peace that grants my soul reprieve." perfect for any worship service or other Christ-centered activity.
I Sing of Christ! (Two-Part Women's Voices)
“The Whole Armor of God” is a setting of the familiar admonition of Paul in Ephesians 6, to spiritually protect ourselves from the temptations around us. Written for children and youth, this upbeat song is a great reminder to start each day with prayer and reading the scriptures.
Relief Society Music for Free Download
Where mt is listed next to a song, minus tracks are available.
Believe the Savior! (SA) For Such a Time as This (Soprano Solo)mt Women of Faith (Two-Part Women's Voices)mt Look to God and Live! (SSA) I Sing of Christ! (Two-Part Women's Voices)mt How Can I Keep from Singing? (SSAA & Solo) The Daughter of My King (Soprano Solo)mt Here Am I; Send Me (Solo and Two-part) Child of Mine (Solo and Chorus)mt A Vessel of Light (Solo) He Knows His Lambs (Solo) As I Am Loved (Duet) Open Arms (Solo) mt Seasons of A Woman's Life (Solo) Rarer Than Rubies (Solo) mt Tale of an ArkWife (Solo) mt She That Loveth Much (Solo)
Young Women's Music for Free Download
The Daughter of My King (Soprano Solo)mt The Whole Armor of God Here Am I; Send Me (Solo) I Lived in Heaven Our Savior's Love Medley What A Woman Does (Solo) Voices (Duet) For Such a Time as This (Soprano Solo)mt