We're glad you stopped by! Here you will find free LDS sheet music by Toni Thomas and Diane Tuiofu. We have music for all occasions, for Mormon and other Christian use. Most of our music is quite suitable for Sacrament Meeting or other worship services.
Nearly all of the music on this site is available for free download. Please feel free to copy the sheet music and disseminate for home, church, or other non-commercial use. If you would like to obtain permission for other uses of our music or programs, including recording or professional performing, please contact us HERE.
How Can I Keep from Singing!
Here is a lovely rendition of "How Can I Keep from Singing," beautifully performed by Victoria Chow, Stephanie Brown, Shannon Ruth, and Hope Krick-Smith. You can find the music HERE.
"A New Star over Bethlehem"
"A New Star over Bethlehem" tells of the promise of peace that the star of Bethlehem brought in its service as a sign and a symbol of Christ's ministry.
Do you need a narration to tie your Christmas program together? We offer several that are designed to be flexible and cover the traditional elements of a Christmas program. They can be found on the Christmas Music page
"Believe the Savior!"
"Believe the Savior!" is a heartfelt plea for increased faith and trust in the Lord, especially during times of sorrow and trouble. The rich, gentle harmonies help to underscore the message that Christ knows and understands our suffering and will never fail us. Currently available in SATB, we will soon be adding SA and SAB versions.
"Abide with Me" Choral Arrangement
"Abide with Me" is a beautiful choral arrangement of the traditional hymn favorite. Winner of a Special Recognition Award from the 2017 Church Submissions, this powerful arrangement will add inspiration to any setting, especially with the addition of the not-always-heard fourth verse.
LISTEN | DOWNLOADNow Is the Hour for Faith Not Fear
This new SATB hymn gives reassurance in difficult times that God has not forgotten us, that He is all powerful, and wise, and things will work to our welfare as we trust in Him..
LISTEN | DOWNLOADNow Available–Minus Tracks!
We've received numerous requests lately for minus tracks (accompaniment recordings) for our music of late. So we've decided to make available the ones we have. The latest is a piano accompaniment for "Watch with Me."
When you see small red MT next to a song, you'll know that the minus track is available. You will find a link for downloading the file on the page for each song. To download the file, just "right-click" on the link and it should download to your computer.
Want to hear the stories behind the songs? Many of the songs available for free download include links to our blog that give the story behind the writing of the music.
MUSINGS ON OUR MUSEis the official blog of Tuiofu and Thomas Music, where you can learn more about our music, and what inspired it.